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Comparisons with humour-mongers like Pratchett are easy to draw and while both stand on the step of plaudit, Farmer blends the worlds of norm and fantasy into an exciting ride, side-casting a view askance at society, but mainly entertaining the hell out of you.

Amazon reviewer

Bobby Miracle would love a real job but times are hard, especially if you’re into Goth attire, prefer graveyards to meadows, and refuse to compromise for anyone. An internship at Hipposync Enterprises dealing in rare books seems a dream come true. And given the sort of people who work there, for once Bobby doesn’t feel the slightest bit out of place.

But when the whole building freezes in a trans-dimensional lockdown state, and Asher Lodge, an inspector with a Fae intelligence agency, is sent to investigate, the weirdness needle edges towards red. Bobby learns that the staid bookshop she works in is just a front for a secret agency policing the borders between the worlds. And something very bad has just broken through.

Lodge wants her to leave and save herself, but it’s crunch time for Bobby. Not many people have believed in her up to now and she knows that it’s about time she started to believe in herself. She decides to stay and face a terrifying enemy with a very sharp axe to grind. Pretty soon, it’s not just about the job. It’s more a question of survival for both her and Hipposync.